Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Late #6 peer commentary

I'm going to comment on my classmate Dave's Editorial - How 'Bout a Little Humility, Detroit.
First off, Dave we have to be soul mates! When i read his commentary, frankly, I laughed my ass off. I completely agree with the whole "shut your pie hole" mentality and commend anyone that feels the same way.

Everyone has something in their life that has been hard. Suck it up. Move on. Pinch your pennies and pay your bills. Jesus, get another job. I have two and I go to school. Shit happens, and sometimes life brings you somewhere that you weren't expecting to be. I have the awesome ability to roll with the punches and take life as it comes to me. "Oh, that didn't work out? Crap. Well let's try this." Work it. Find a way. Anything is possible, especially if you are dedicated enough to struggle your way through it.

As for Detroit and the Big 3, I would be just as frank. They have brought this upon themselves and maybe America would be better without old Ladies in Buick's running us off the road! Think about it though! Everything would be better. The environment would be better off. Those damn F350's and their enormous engines wouldn't be emitting so many CO2 gases, there wouldn't be as much congestion on the small Austin roads, people could see AROUND and ABOVE the person driving in front of them. My life would be all that much better. With the exception of the poor blokes turning the wrenches in Detroit, all would be solved.

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