Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nuclear Power...Our saving grace.

Until reading this article by Patrick Moore I had no idea that Texas is leading the pack of states that are trying desperately to reduce their "Carbon Footprints". The article is titled "The case for more nuclear power in Texas." and it can be found in the Dallas Morning News, or here Nuclear Power.

In his article, Pat describes how a Texas Nuclear Power Company just applied for a permit for two new power plant sites. There are now 6 sites pending, which could potentially double our states production of electricity that is virtually Carbon free.

Patrick Moore is "a co-founder of Greenpeace and co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition, a national grass-roots coalition that promotes nuclear power. " He seems legit to me. Kidding. He is deep into the issue of cleaner energy production. The article seems to be targeting people who may not know much about Nuclear power and it's benefits. He goes into depth about how the building of new plants would help the economy greatly.

I agree with Pat. Nuclear power seems to be a route that we NEED to take. The major reduction of greenhouse gases produced by the dwindling number of electricity plants will be a great benefit on it's own. Factor in the amount of new jobs produced and the cheaper energy source, and we may have a winner. With the prices of oil, electricity, and pretty much everything else going up, we need to find an alternative. Texas is among the few states in the U.S. that are searching to find alternative power sources. Let's hope it all gets approved.

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