Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time Warner Cable.

Television. I don't know anyone that doesn't occasionally glance at it here or there, or watch their favorite show on Thursday nights. As a matter of fact, I have a couple of friends that are TV junkies. There's nothing wrong with that if you don't have anything better to do, or you don't want to be doing anything else I guess. But honestly Austin? Throwing a fit over KXAN not being broadcast? Odds are that if you are in Austin and have cable, or are breathing you have Internet. Streaming's a wonderful thing.

I just find it amazing that so many people, normal people, EDUCATED people, would get so upset that Time Warner was dropping their signal. I read this article today about the KXAN fiasco. Here's the link if you want to read it yourself. KXAN The article said that ratings dropped 40%. No, you didn't read that wrong. It said 40%. Holy crap people! One woman even said “Our family is getting tired of all this and may stop watching NBC and give up Time Warner". WOW. I honestly cant believe that so many peoples lives revolve around the television. I feel a little left out. After I am finished for the day, between working two jobs and going to school, i find it hard to make it to the bed sometimes. I wonder if the "families" that are so upset about losing one channel on the television really do family things. Is this what our society has turned into? Is this how we spend our "family" time now? When i still lived at home, which was not that long ago, my parents did stuff with us. We were outside as much as possible. They asked us about our days. We didn't spend our together time watching shows like "Biggest Loser".

I'm in now way bashing people that do spend their time that way, but if you do, is it really a big deal to gather around or to change the channel? My biggest concern is why our NEWSPAPERS are focusing on this. This isn't news. It's entertainment, or lack there of. As I'm sure you have noticed, if you are one of those TV junkies, KXAN is now back, just in time for the fall lineup. YEAH! I find it interesting that this article was about a page and a half, but the article about the child molester in Williamson County was not even a quarter of a page. I mean even the article about Hutto's Farmers Market was longer than the child molester article. Yes, that is what i want to read when i open the NEWSpaper - How Hutto is losing it's farmers market. I didnt want to know about all the actual news that is happening in Austin and it's surrounding areas. I don't want to know about new legislature that might be affecting me, or about the current issues being debated in the elections. I just want to know about Hutto's Farmers market and Time Warner's Channels. While were at it, why not tell me about the Sarah Palin look-alike contest. That's hard hitting journalism right there Statesman.

By the way, Time Warner, if you are reading this, i want my money back! 120 bucks a month, and for what? I didn't even have NBC there for a couple months! :) But really, lower your prices. Every time i go to pay my bill, i feel like someone is beating me up and taking my lunch money.

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